Uninstall Tool ist ein software Entferner und Programm-manager für Windows.
Uninstall Tool ist ein software Entferner und Programm-manager für Windows, können Sie entfernen Sie alle installierten Programm oder einen codec mit ein paar Mausklicks.
Dieses Programm hat 10 Auszeichnungen bekommen
Diese Software wurde auf Viren überprüft und für gut befunden. Hier klicken, um den Antivirus-Bericht anzuzeigen.
5.7 MB
Brought my computer laptop to a computer technician because the case was breaking.. Brought it back home after it was "fixed".. Then I noticed problems where I could not update or uninstall my antivirus, iTunes and Skype, because I was received disk errors or error saying the program was being used already and could not be uninstalled or updated.I downloaded this program and although it appeared to remove all traces of the program, I was very excited until I got a popup saying to remove all traces of the program I have to purchase it, so I have no idea if it works since the programs were not removed... Wish I would have known that before wasting my time..
I don't know how I have lived without it.